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Should You and Your Family Receive A Chiropractic Check Up?

Discover the Truth about Chiropractic for All Ages

young-family-portraitBy Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, NetworkSpinal™ Chiropractor

Chiropractic for me and my family? Why? We don’t have back or neck pain.” If you are wondering about the answer to this question, you’ll want to read on.

As chiropractors, we often encounter those who understand the importance of regular exams for their entire family’s eyes, ears, nose, throat, hearing, and teeth, but who overlook routine family spinal check-ups. In fact, they could be the most important check-ups you and your family can receive.

As a health conscious person, you want the best for you and your family and no doubt wonder if you are all as healthy as you could be. Several factors determine everyone’s overall health. These include: diet, exercise, proper rest, emotional and spiritual support, and a properly functioning nervous system.

A major component of health is the communication between your brain and body. This vital link controls the growth, repair, and function of every tissue and organ. The spinal cord sends messages from the brain throughout the body via billions of nerves. Interference (nerve pressure or irritation) places the body in a state of disharmony. This can lead to decreased immune function and sickness.

Starting with the birthing process itself, our bodies are subjected to many spinal traumas. Even the most “natural” of births can cause stress and strain to the tiny developing spine. This initial damage can be compounded when the child develops proper head support, learns to sit up, to crawl, and to walk. During this time of rapid spinal growth, any tiny bump or fall can cause sub-lux-a-tion and unexplained health problems.

The home is the primary place where a young child receives spinal injuries. A study, conducted by the National Safety Council, discovered that nearly 50% of children fall headfirst from a high place (changing table, bed, etc.) during their first year of life. Many injuries from these falls go undetected and unfortunately, although no immediate symptoms may appear, spinal health can be compromised.

Ear infections, asthma, colic, ADD/hyperactivity, bedwetting, learning disorders, and other health problems result from nervous system interference called the vertebral subluxation complex. Doctors of Chiropractic are the only healthcare professionals trained in the detection and correction of this problem.

School is the most common place for accidents to occur for five to eighteen year olds. A study from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commissioner, revealed that almost a quarter of a million children under the age of 15 were treated for injuries related to playground equipment. The majority of these accidents are falls, and approximately 50% of all falls result in head and neck trauma. Bicycles are also a source of childhood trauma. Over 50,000 children per year are treated for head (not wearing a helmet) and neck trauma.

Common childhood activities including surfing, skate boarding, water slides, horseback riding, and roller-skating are often associated with falls that can cause the spinal vertebrae to lose their normal motion and position. The delicate nerve tissue housed in these bones can be damaged, impairing the brain’s ability to control the associated tissues and organs.

Children, adults and the elderly can all benefit from regular wellness care visits to a Doctor of Chiropractic. With appropriate chiropractic care, both old and new spinal problems can be located and corrected, restoring normal spinal and nervous system function. It’s never too late to gain a healthier spine!

Many adult spinal problems actually began in childhood. If left uncorrected, childhood spinal problems may lead to more serious conditions later in life: “As the trunk is bent, so grows the tree.”

Without a properly functioning spine and nervous system, true health is impossible to achieve. Maintaining your family’s spinal health is one of the greatest gifts you can provide for all of you. For this reason, families are receiving routine periodic chiropractic spinal check-ups.

Today, many progressive consumers are choosing conservative chiropractic care, such as NetworkSpinal™, to help maximize their own natural healing. Parents of children who receive regular chiropractic care often report that their kids seem healthier than other children; they get fewer colds and other childhood diseases. Adults and the elderly experiencing regular Network Care report improvement in all areas of life including decreased physical symptoms, more emotional and mental peace and overall improved quality of life.

The Network approach to health is safe and effective for all ages. For these reasons and more, your NetworkSpinal Analysis Chiropractor may be your best family doctor! Many people feel encouraged to have a Network Chiropractor as part of their health professionals network.

To discover more information and to schedule a NetworkSpinal Analysis check-up for your family, contact Dr. Jackie St.Cyr INNATE CHIROPRACTIC Healing Arts Center.

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