Chiropractic Care
Light Touch Healing in Houston
Hi, I’m Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, Houston chiropractor and I practice a gentle, light-touch form of chiropractic care based on the latest work developed by Dr. Donald Epstein called NetworkSpinal™ and Somato-Respiratory (Body-Breath) Integration (SRI). NetworkSpinal™ care (previously famed as Network Chiropractic or NetworkSpinal Analysis) is practiced by chiropractors all around the world.
Through gentle hands-on care, we assist people in eliminating pain patterns, creating more efficient strategies for adapting to stress, and in building a healthier spine and nervous system. More than just relieving pain, NetworkSpinal care enhances Life Force, energy and peak performance naturally! Our purpose here is to help you be all that you can be!
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If you know you know you want more out of life and you are ready to get started you can schedule a complimentary consultation to see if we are a match for the more you are looking for!